The props are used to add to the overall effect of the show. There are many different types of props we use and we’ll list them all out here.
- Projector – Viewsonic projector we use for our Virtual Santa. This projector provides the right amount of brightness and quality of picture to make Santa come to life!
- Additional hardware connected to the Raspberry Pi for the Projector Control plugin used by the Falcon Player
- USB to Serial – Used to connect the USB port on the Raspberry Pi to the serial port on the Projector
- Null Modem Serial Adapter – Not all projectors need this but essentially this flips the pins to receive the serial data from the Falcon Player Projector Control plugin as our projector is not made to receive data from a Raspberry Pi
- Virtual Santa Videos – These are the HD videos we use for our Virtual Santa
- Additional hardware connected to the Raspberry Pi for the Projector Control plugin used by the Falcon Player
- Snow Machine
- Snowfall Box Machine – Great snow machines that provide quality falling snow. The kids AND adults love it!
- How To Make Snow Fluid – Don’t pay for their fluid, it’s not worth it and it’s NOT going to damage your snow machine no matter what they try to make you believe. We’ve been doing this for many years now without a single issue. We’ve never used their fluid, not even the bottles that came with the machine and it’s produced many years of quality snow!
- Relay Switch – The amperage required to run the snow machine is well beyond what you should be running off of any one output of the AC controller. In our case it’s the Light-O-Rama CTB16PC AC Voltage Controller. In order to get around this we use a relay switch which is connected to the AC controller and this essentially acts as an on/off switch for the snow machine. We then send DMX commands to the AC controller telling it when to turn the relay switch on or off for the snow machine
- Snowflakes – We have these snowflakes all over our display and they make a great addition
- Bethlehem Star – This is on top of our house and plays well into the show as a star effect in different parts of the show
- Matrix Net – We use these for our roof matrix, the Twilio SMS matrix, and the bushes
- Mounting Strips – We use these for our window outlines as well as our roof and gutter outlines
- Megatree Strips – We use these strips to hold the RGB pixels that make up our 16 string megatree, 200 pixels per, 20 foot megatree
- Megatree Roll – Similar to the megatree strips above. This is just a roll that you can cut to your own size needs and not have to splice multiple strips together or ever waste any extra. There are different roll sizes to choose from
- MISR Clips – These clips are used to strengthen the ends of your megatree strips so that you can provide the tension needed while not risking damage to the strip
- Arches – We use these in the front of our yard and they make perfect arches
- Candy Canes – We use these along the side of our grass next to the arches to complete a sort of outline of the grass
- RGB Tune To Sign – This is the sign we use to inform our viewers of the FM frequency we’re transmitting our audio for the show on